Key Information for Transition

Proposed School Times for Year 7

08.30-08.55 Registration/Assembly
08.55-09.55 Period 1
09.55-10.55 Period 2
10.55-11:15 Break (KS3 go 5 minutes earlier)
11:15-12:15 Period 3
12.15-13:15 Period 4
13.15-13.55 Lunch (split into 2 sessions)
13.55-14.55 Period 5


Students should arrive at school by 8.20am and be in their form room by 8.28am, following the warning bell.

Students should be dropped in Wharf Road if travelling by car. Please do not drive into the school campus.

Students arriving late must sign in with the Attendance Officer up until 8.55am. After that time the students will need to sign in late on the Chromebook outside the Medical Room.

Beginning of Term

The first day of term for the new Year 7 students will be Wednesday 4 September at 8.30am (the normal school time). On their first day they will need all the items from the equipment list below, apart from their chromebook.

Your child will also be required to bring in a packed lunch and water bottle for the first few days (no nuts or nut products, please), as they will be set up on the cashless catering system during the first week and will not be able to make purchases from the canteen until this has been completed.

Years 8-11 and 13 will return on Thursday 5 September.

Term dates for the remainder of the academic year can be found here.

Tutor Groups

Students are placed in mixed ability tutor groups, which are carefully arranged by our admissions team, who also take into consideration information provided by your child’s primary school. Your child will find out during the induction days which group they are in. Whilst we appreciate that both parents and children might like to know this earlier, we apologise that this is not possible due to the timing of staffing allocations.

In the overall education of each student, the Form Tutor is very important, being directly responsible for the general welfare of all of the students in their group and for monitoring and encouraging their academic progress.

Each tutor group is placed under the guidance of a Head of Year, who oversees the Year Group. We urge parents not to hesitate in contacting us if there is any area of concern and the initial way of doing this is through the Form Tutor. Contact details for all tutors will be made available at the start of term.

Alternatively, you or your child may contact one of our Student Support Officers (SSO). The SSOs are able to assist students/parents with a wide variety of issues from attendance, behaviour and attitude, to problems at home, health and emotional well-being. Students may contact the SSOs during the school day and they are all available during break and lunchtimes. Parents/carers may contact them via the school office, either by phone or email.

Email addresses for Key Contacts for Year 7 students can be found under our Who's Who Section.

Good behaviour and a positive attitude to learning are essential from the outset, and this is reflected in our Recognition and Consequences system. When difficulties occur, the student is supported by the pastoral system, the behaviour team and by the Learner Support Department.

All parents/carers are invited to meet teaching staff twice a year. The first meeting will be the parent information evening in July. The second meeting, around March 2025, will be with the different subject teachers. You will also receive an academic progress report each term.

Parents and students are also asked to read the Home School agreement and the ICT Code of Conduct. You will be asked to confirm that you have read, understood and agree to these on the electronic admissions form.

House System

Every member of the John Colet Community, students and staff, belong to one of our houses:


The aim of the House System is to give students a sense of belonging to their school community so they take pride in the school environment. The system is designed to give some healthy competition between students (and staff!) and allow them to develop a wider skill set.

Safeguarding Statement

At JCS, the health, safety and well-being of every child is our paramount concern. We listen to our students and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that children will enjoy their time as students in this school.

We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution.

On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures which we follow, have been laid down by the Buckinghamshire Area Child Protection Committee and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. A copy of this policy is available here.

Privacy Notice

Please take the time to read our Privacy Notice.

Image Consent

Please see information regarding image consent. You will be asked to indicate your image consent preference on the electronic admissions form.

School Counsellor Support

We are fortunate to be able to access the services of a fully qualified counsellor here in school and referrals for counselling can be made by either the student or through a member of staff. Details of this support can be found here.


Year 7 students are taught a wide variety of subjects across the two week timetable. These will usually take place in specialised classrooms in departments. Information about the Key Stage 3 curriculum can be found here.

Music Lessons

We are able to offer peripatetic music lessons. If your child is interested in receiving tuition please complete and return the music tuition form.

Special Needs

The Learner Support Department aims to meet the specific learning difficulties of particular students who would otherwise fail to achieve their potential. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants work in collaboration to ensure students are supported both inside and outside of the classroom. Parents/carers who have children on the special needs register or concerns regarding their child’s learning should contact the SENCo, Miss Bendel, by completing and returning the attached form.


We attach a lot of importance to homework for the following reasons:

  • It helps to reinforce the idea that education is a process that cannot be confined to school hours.
  • It allows the student time to pursue work started at school to a greater depth at home.
  • For the student who is actively involved in his/her education, it should be enjoyable to do work at home.

All homework is published on Google Classroom which can be accessed by students at home using their school username and password. Parents will be emailed in September to sign up to receive daily or weekly email updates on work which has been set.

We are conscious that the first term at secondary school is a very busy time and therefore, no homework will be set within the first two weeks of term. Once the full homework timetable is in effect, homework should take on average one hour per night in Year 7.

We offer an optional homework club from 2.55pm until 3.55pm each day to offer support to students in completing their homework.


All students must attend school regularly and be absent only for personal medical reasons. In the case of dental or hospital appointments in school time, please advise us of the appointment in advance by following the link on our website to the absence reporting form. As our school day finishes at 2.55pm, it is appreciated if such appointments can be made out of school hours if at all possible.

In the event of absence, parents/carers are asked to complete the absence reporting form on our website before 8.30am. This form should be completed for each day of absence.

If you need to collect your child during the school day for a medical appointment we would ask you please to notify the school as follows:

  • If possible please make appointments at the beginning or end of the school day as this is less disruptive to learning.
  • If the appointment is at the start of the school day, please telephone or email the school to let us know and please send your child in with a copy of the appointment card when they return to school.  Please ensure that your child signs in on the Chromebook outside the Medical Room on their return.
  • If the appointment is during the day please email detailing what time the appointment is and what time you will be meeting them. We request that you come in to reception to meet your child as they will not be able to leave without being collected. Your child will be expected to excuse themselves from class and sign out at the appropriate time. They will then meet you in reception. 

Our Attendance Officer is responsible for monitoring attendance and can be contacted with any questions or queries, via the school office. Additional attendance information can be found here.

Medical Problems

Please see the attached letter from the Medical Officer. 

If your child has any medical problem or condition which could have an effect on their life in school it is very important that we should know. Please see our policy on Supporting Students with Medical Conditions.

If your child has a medical condition, please complete and return the electronic Health Care Plan. Obviously, the staff will respect the confidentiality of parent/carer and child over such matters.

Should it be necessary for medication to be administered, we will require written permission stating dosage, timing etc and you should complete and return the attached form. The medication must be supplied in the original packaging.

The electronic admissions form will ask you for medical consent and for paracetamol consent. Please also complete and return hard copies of medical forms to the Medical Officer. 

Should a problem or condition arise after you have completed the initial admission paperwork, we ask that you advise us as soon as possible and complete the medical forms.

Lunchtime Arrangements

We have a lunch service where students can buy hot and cold meals through a cashless system. A sample menu can be found here. We do not encourage students to eat in any part of the school building other than in the canteen or hall, but they may eat outside if they wish.

Details of our cashless catering system can be found here. Consent for your child’s biometric data to be collected will be sought on the electronic admissions form. Students will be set up on the system within the first week of term, and should bring a packed lunch with them until they have confirmation that they are able to use the system. Please allow sufficient time for payments to show. 

Payments for meals are made via parent mail.

We do not allow students to go home for lunch or leave the school premises at lunchtime. The only exception to this rule are Sixth Form students who are able to leave the school site should they wish.

Please note that packed lunches should not contain nuts or peanuts or products containing nuts/peanuts.

Free School Meals

Children whose parents/carers receive one of the following benefits are entitled to free school meals and will generate pupil premium for their school:

  • Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance
  • An Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Where they are entitled to Child Tax Credit and also Working Tax Credit during the four week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals. 

The Pupil Premium is a Government scheme that provides additional funding to schools of pupils whose parents receive a qualifying benefit. The school can use this money to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. Money can also be allocated to subsidise trips, equipment and uniform.

If your child is entitled to Free School Meals please complete the attached form.

School Uniform and PE Kit

Our uniform is intended to give a sense of pride and identity with the school. It is also designed not to cause any financial difficulties for parents/carers. It may be obtained from PL School Wear, Unit 1, Goodchild Parkway, Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 0PE. 01296 488000.

For your convenience we will be holding a uniform fitting and ordering day on Saturday 22nd June at John Colet School from 10.00am – 3.00pm when PL School Wear will bring a selection of sizes to try on. The day will be split into two sessions - 10:00am - 12:30pm for students whose surname begins A-M, and 12;30pm - 3:00pm for students whose surname begins N-Z. You will be able to place and pay for your order and arrange for collection or delivery once it has been personalised. 

Please read our School Uniform Policy before purchasing any items. Please also refer to the guidance on the types of football boots required.

We also have a Nearly New Uniform Shop, which offers a selection of second hand blazers, jumpers, trousers, skirts, white shirts and PE kit items. The shop is open to students before school. Parents/carers and students can also request items via and if in stock, can collect it from school. 

There will be no charge for any items, but if parents/carers would like to make a voluntary contribution this can be made via Parentmail, please see ''Uniform Donation 2024'' under the Payments/Shop section. Please wait until you have received the items before making any payments. This money will help cover the running costs of the shop and is greatly appreciated. 

A shopping checklist for uniform, PE kit and equipment can be found here.

Please note that PE lessons are subject to timetable rotations. In the first two weeks, pupils will only require their core PE kit (jersey, polo shirt, shorts/skorts/leggings, socks and trainers). You will be given advanced notice, via the PE department, as to when swimming kits and football/rugby boots and gum shields will be required.


Uniform Cards

Form tutors will check uniform and jewellery every morning and ask students to rectify any issues. Students will be given a Uniform Card at the start of each term and must carry one at all times (except in P.E.). Students receive a signature on the card if they are not wearing the correct uniform or are not wearing the uniform correctly. This can be signed by the tutor or by any member of staff during the school day.

3 signatures on the card in a term will lead to a 30 minute lunch detention in the inclusion unit. Tutors will check the uniform card regularly.


We expect that students will start school with those items that will help them to work well in each lesson.
This should include the following:

  • 2x black/blue pens
  • 1x red pen
  • pencils
  • rubber
  • sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
  • highlighter
  • scientific calculator
  • protractor
  • pair of compasses
  • dictionary
  • notebook
  • earphones for music lessons - with jack connection. Not bluetooth.
  • a reading book at all times
  • coloured pens or pencils are also useful, but not essential.
  • a Chromebook 

An exam pack, including a scientific calculator, geometry set and an exams approved clear pencil case can be purchased via the school. More details can be found here.

A shopping checklist for uniform, PE kit and equipment can be found here.

1:1 Chromebook Scheme

The way children access learning both in and out of the classroom has changed dramatically over the past few years; the introduction of technology into the classroom has allowed teachers to develop new and exciting ways of delivering lessons and tailor learning to meet individual student needs. This development has accelerated significantly over the past few years with the introduction of Google Classroom and e-resources as everyday tools in the classroom and for home learning.

Therefore, as part of your child’s learning opportunities at John Colet School we want to provide access to chromebooks for your students, that enable them to enrich and extend their learning both in and out of school by allowing them access to a wide range of electronic learning materials at all times. We have a 1:1 device programme to achieve this objective. The principles of the programme are as follows:

1. The school sources and supplies suitable chromebooks for all students wishing to join the programme.
2. Parents pay a monthly amount to join the programme providing their child(ren) with a dedicated chromebook
3. The package includes theft and accidental damage cover, accessed through school, to provide peace of mind should anything happen to the chromebook.
4. At the end of the payment term the chromebook belongs to the parent at no additional cost.

We want to provide our students with the best opportunities to reach their full potential. There is no doubt that we are now living in a digital age and confidence with the use of technology is a key skill both for education and life. Therefore, we would encourage you to join the programme as we are confident of the educational benefits for our students and the positive impact for your child(ren).

In order to provide this opportunity, at the best value possible for parents we have partnered with Freedom Tech to launch a Tech 4 Learners 1:1 device programme. Tech 4 Learners is a 1:1 parental contribution programme for schools run by financial solutions provider and educational specialists Freedom Tech, enabling us to give students access to technology that will greatly enhance their learning experience. Freedom Tech has a strong background in education and partners with leading manufacturers and resellers in education technology.

Please see the information leaflet for full details and also refer to our FAQs.

If you have any further questions about the scheme please direct these to and we will respond.

Please also read the Personal Chromebook Acceptable Use document.


Lockers are owned by ILS and are available for students to rent on an annual basis. Rental costs are £25 per year allowing use from September through to July. Please note that ILS are a separate entity from the school and all dealings will be directly with them.

Lockers for September 2024 – July 2025 will be available online from June 3rd. Further details on how to book can be found here.


Students who wish to cycle to school will be pleased to know that we have the facility of a locked, covered bike shed, where bikes can be left securely throughout the school day. We would always suggest that students bring their own bike locks as added security. We ask that students show consideration to other members of the community, especially on the cycle paths and pavements around school. Cyclists should wear a helmet and appropriate lights are required in winter months.

Students who wish to cycle to school are required to apply for a bike permit and this can be applied for once your child has a school IT account. Allowances will be made in the first few weeks of term for new starters to cycle to school while they await the issue of their permit.

Supporting the School

There are a few main ways that we seek parental support at John Colet School.

John Colet Development Fund

Firsty, we ask for your help in providing a higher level of opportunity outside of the classroom to enhance your child’s education. Public funding contributes to this, but will not allow us to provide everything that we think your child needs and deserves.

We are inviting all parents/carers to make a monthly donation by standing order for the 5 years your child is at John Colet. Our Development Fund has charitable status and so parents/carers can Gift Aid their donation. This is how it works:

  • A parent/carer donates £5 per month (total £60 in the year).
  • We can claim an extra £15 in tax meaning that we get £75.
  • Higher rate taxpayers can reclaim £15 back in tax on their self-assessment form meaning that the donation actually costs £45 to the parent/carer.

To donate, please complete the Direct Debit Form plus the necessary Gift Aid declaration. We would ask you to return this to school in hard copy, as a signature is required by the bank.

Alternatively, you may prefer to set up a standing order to: John Colet School Fund, Lloyds Bank, Sort Code: 30-90-38, Account No: 06012704. 

All donations of any size will make an enormous difference to the opportunities on offer to your child here at John Colet. Previous purchases from this fund have included IT provision in Modern Foreign Languages and Science and the purchase of a new 17 seat lightweight school minibus. Please be assured that all students are treated equally irrespective of parental financial contributions and all gifts are valued by the school.

Voluntary Contributions:

Technology - In previous years, the Technology Department has been able to provide pupils with free materials in their lessons. With escalating costs of essential equipment, this has become very difficult to sustain and maintain the high quality practical outcomes that the students produce. We are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £5.00 per household to cover some of the costs.

Medical - The school provides various medical supplies such as Paracetamol, plasters, ice packs and bandages and is facing ever increasing prices in order to sustain these supplies. We are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £1.00 per household to cover some of the costs.

More information on how to make these contributions can be found here.

Other Ways of Supporting:

There are two other ways that you can support the school:

  • The Buckinghamshire Lottery - A community fundraising lottery that supports good causes across Buckinghamshire, with 60% of each ticket purchased is returned to the nominated cause. Our page is here. 
  • The Giving Machine - This is an online shopping portal that allows you to nominate our school to receive a part of the commission that is paid by websites when you make online purchases. Our page is here.
  • Easy Fundraising - donations to the school can also be made through Easyfundraising; details can be found here. 


Mobile phone and Electronic Devices

We are aware that students have phones for emergency reasons so we have opted for a “No See, No Hear” approach. It is required that mobile phones/electronic devices are switched off during the school day. The only exceptions to this are when the teacher gives permission for the device to be used at a specific time in a lesson for a specific purpose.

If a mobile phone/electronic device is seen or heard in school (including break and lunchtime) then the item will be confiscated and kept securely in the school office until a parent/carer is able to come in to collect it. It is the student’s responsibility to inform a parent/carer that an item needs collecting. Staff are not able to look after mobile phones/electronic devices for students at any time.

If a parent/carer needs to contact their child during school hours, they must phone the school office, and must not contact them via a mobile phone, as this runs the risk of the phone going off during a lesson. Messages left with the office will be passed on to the student promptly and they will be able to come to the Student Reception to phone a parent if required.

On occasion, students have contacted a parent/carer during the school day using their mobile phone following an incident or issue in school. The parent/carer has then come straight into school demanding to see a member of staff and becomes very frustrated when there are no staff available to meet with them and/or staff are unaware of the issue prior to the parent arriving. We wish to work in partnership with parents, but a parent/carer coming into school and demanding to see someone straightaway is not acceptable.

Sixth Form students are allowed to use their mobile phones/electronic devices in their Common Room and the Library but nowhere else in the school. Any confiscated Sixth Form mobile phone/electronic device will be returned by the Head of Sixth Form.

Charging and Remissions for Educational Activities

Please take the time to read our Charging and Remissions Policy for Educational Activities.

Next Steps

Thank you for taking the time to look at this transition information for your child. We hope that it has answered any questions you may have.

There will be an opportunity to meet staff on the Induction Evening held in July or you can email

We would ask that you now complete the Admissions Form inside the Applicaa portal that has been sent to you via email and we very much look forward to welcoming your child to the John Colet School community in July.

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