A Levels and BTECs
Students at JCS can study a mixture of A Level and BTEC qualifications on a full time programme of study (equivalent to at least 3 A Levels). For an A Level course, students will receive 8 hours of teaching contact time per fortnight, with independent study hours being completed outside of the taught time.
Students have the opportunity to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) alongside their courses in Year 12.
There are many enrichment opportunities on offer at JCS which enhance the students’ experience, build character and help to set them apart from other students when they are applying for higher education, apprenticeships or employment.
A MOOC is a Massive Online Open Course and students are encouraged to use their independent study or holiday time to complete one of an exciting array of interesting qualifications. These courses are freely available online and many are recognised by universities. Some courses run for as little as 3 weeks, which would allow students to complete more than one across their Sixth Form careers. Completing a MOOC qualification:
- Shows positive attributes; independence, motivation, dedication, commitment, time management
- Demonstrates a passion for a particular area of study; great to talk about at interviews or to write about on application forms
- Enables students to explore areas of study beyond their A Level / BTEC courses
Students have the opportunity to go on a variety of educational visits; these vary year on year. In 2022-23 students enjoyed the benefitted from the following visits:
- Visit to the Bucks Skills Show(Year 12)
- Safe Drive Stay Alive (Year 12)
- Auschwitz Concentration Camp (History)
- A Level Geography fieldwork residential (Year 12)