Nearly New Uniform Shop
Our Nearly New Uniform Shop offers a selection of second hand blazers, jumpers, trousers, skirts, white shirts and PE kit items.
The shop is open to students before and after school. Parents/carers and students can also request items via and if in stock, students can come by the shop to collect them.
There will be no charge for any items (apart from tights), but if parents/carers would like to make a voluntary contribution this can be made via ParentMail, please see "Uniform Donation 2024" under the Payments/Shop section. Please wait until you have received the items before making any payments. This money will help cover the running costs of the shop and is greatly appreciated.
Suggested donations: Blazers £5 Skirts / trousers £2 Shirts / jumpers £1 PE Jumpers £2 PE Tops / Skorts / Shorts / PE Socks £1
Black tights are available from the uniform shop and from the medical room and cost £2.50 each. Parents will be emailed and asked to pay via ParentMail.
We are also accepting donations of unwanted school uniform. Please leave any clean items in a bag in the Nearly New Uniform Shop box in the school reception area. For any queries please email