Please see below the answers to some frequently asked questions we have received from parents. If your query cannot be answered here, please contact us via email at office@johncolet.co.uk.

The school day

Q1. Do children have to attend school on INSET days?

No. An INSET day is for staff only. Sometimes a student has to come in for an hour on an INSET day if there have been behavioural issues; this is done in discussion with the parent/carer.

Q2. How do I request an absence?

Absence (for exceptional circumstances only) can be requested by completing the absence form available on the website.  This should be returned to the school no less than 4 weeks before the absence is due to start. Absence for holiday will not normally be authorised except in exceptional circumstances.

Q3. What do I need to do if I need to pick up my child during the school day for a non-medical reason?

We request that you phone the school in advance and explain why you need to pick up your child.

Q4. What do I do if my child has forgotten an item?

You can bring the item to the school and place it in a drop box in reception. Please attach their name and tutor group. The item will then be forwarded to the child as soon as possible. In the event that you need to drop in cash or valuable items, these can be handed in at reception for the child to collect.

Q5. What is classed as unauthorised absence?

Attendance is recorded twice a day, during morning registration and the start of afternoon school. If your child misses one of these registrations, they will be marked absent and coded unauthorised until such time as a letter detailing the reason for the absence is provided. In any one day of absence a student would get marked with 2 unauthorised absences, one for morning and another for afternoon school. When we are monitoring absences, we monitor both authorised and unauthorised ones.

Q6. What happens if my child is late to school?

Students need to enter the school via the main reception where the time of arrival will be recorded. Recurrent lateness will result in a student receiving a detention.

Q7. How do I find out ‘What’s on’ on a daily basis in the school?

Look at the What’s On section of the website.


Q8. How can I check my child’s homework?

Teachers record set homework on Google Classroom. Parents can choose to receive daily or weekly summaries of the work set.

Q9. What do I do if I do not receive Google Classroom notifications?

Please contact the school office by email, stating the name of your child, year group and your name together with the notification that you require.

Q10. How do I find out what cooking ingredients are needed for Food Tech?

This information is on Google Classroom. 

Medical matters

Q11. How do I notify the school that my child is not well, absent, or not attending school for other reasons for example a medical appointment?

Report absence using this Google Form which will ask for details of the child and the reason for their absence. We ask that you complete this form for each day of absence. You will also be able to report any absences due to medical or other appointments in this way.

Q12. What procedures should I follow if my child has been vomiting?

You are required to keep your child off school for 48 hours following vomiting.

Q13. How do I notify the school that I need to collect my child during the school day for a medical appointment?

If possible please make appointments at the beginning or end of the school day as this is less disruptive to learning. If the appointment is at the start of the school day, please send your child in with a copy of the appointment card when they return to school. If the appointment is during the day they should come to school with either the appointment card or a letter from you detailing what time the appointment is and what time you will be meeting them. We request that you come in to reception to meet your child. The child must sign out with Matron before leaving the school site.

Q14. If my child is ill, can you give them Paracetamol during the school day?

Yes we can after 12.15pm if you have given us written permission.

Q15. What are the procedures for collecting a child’s confiscated property?

Students only have items confiscated if they are inappropriate for the school environment, they were used against school rules or creating a problem for example in a lesson. Normally, the item is returned at the end of the lesson concerned. Where the item was inappropriate or against school rules, it will be placed in a secure place for parents to collect at their earliest convenience from the school office. It is school policy that the child informs the parent/carer of the confiscation and a parent signs for receipt of the confiscated item.


Q16. What happens to lost property?

It is vital that all items are named including shoes and trainers. Lost property is taken to Medical Room and returned to the student if the item is named. Where there is no identification on it, the item stays in the Medical Room where students can look through the items to find theirs. At the end of each half term, unclaimed lost property is displayed on a table in the Hall for a couple of days for students to look through. Any unclaimed items are then donated to a local charity shop.

Q17. What happens to lockers at the end of the school year?

Parents will be contacted directly by the locker rental company.

Q18. How do I make payment to the school?

Our preferred method for receiving payments is via Parentmail using your login details, however cheques are accepted but not cash. For trip and activities please make cheques payable to ‘John Colet School Fund’. For materials, equipment and resources please make cheques payable to ‘John Colet School’. Place the cheque in a sealed envelope with the following details; student, form group, activity/trip/materials and amount enclosed and give to your child to hand into the Finance Office which is open to students 8-8.30am daily.

Q19. Who do I contact if I have a problem?

Please email your child’s form tutor in the first instance. Email addresses were sent out at the beginning of term. 

Q20. Who do I contact about buses to school?

Please contact Bucks CC regarding buses to the school via their website

Q21. How do I apply for a Bike Permit?

Students who wish to ride a bicycle and store it in the school bike shed should complete the simple application form. The bike shed is locked during the school day.

Q22. What do I do if my child cannot log onto GCSEPod?

If it is the first time your child is logging on please ask them to follow the quick steps. It is really important that they use their John Colet email address as their username. If they forget it it will be easy for us to remind them. They set up their own password. If they have set up their account and cannot remember their username ask them to try their John Colet email. If that still doesn't work please ask them to speak to their form tutor who will be able to find out what the student set as their username and to reset their password.

Q23.  How do I apply for Free School Meals?

Please refer to the Pupil Premium Page for further information. 

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