Cover Supervisor - Job Description
Cover Supervisor - Person Specification
Supply Teachers
Please contact the school if you are interested in part-time supply.
Expression of Interest
We are always keen to hear from potential applicants who share our vision and values. Even if we are not currently advertising any suitable vacancies, we warmly invite you to contact us with a formal expression of interest in your preferred role, in case an opportunity arises soon.
To register an expression of interest in working at John Colet School, please email, we will hold your CV and contact you should a suitable vacancy arise.
Support Staff Application Form (Word) - email completed application form to
Teaching Staff Application Form (Word)- email completed application form to
INTERVIEW CANDIDATES: If you are invited for interview, please also complete the Self Declaration Form. This needs to be completed and returned at least one day prior to your interview date.
Teacher Training Opportunities
John Colet School partners with Astra School Centred Initial Teacher Training and Bath Spa University to provide PGCE and QTS courses for new entrants to the teaching profession.
In the last ten years, over 550 graduates have gone on to gain QTS through Astra, which partners with approximately sixty local primary, secondary and special schools. Astra training is almost always in person and is offered in a wide range of subjects. Training takes place in schools and venues across Buckinghamshire.
For further information and details of training commencing next summer, please contact Astra via or visit the Astra website. Alternatively please contact the school by email:
Please follow link for the latest summary - Astra SCITT