Pupil Premium
Funding Principles for Pupil Premium (September 2024)
All staff and students at John Colet School believe that through hard work, inspiration, mutual respect and enjoyment, we will achieve success together. We are committed to the principle that every student fulfils their potential.
The Government introduced the Pupil Premium into main school funding to for disadvantaged students to address inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM), those who have been eligible in the last 6 years (FSME6), looked after children or children of armed forces families and their peers. It is our job to ensure that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.
We aim to do this in a number of ways and these strategies are evaluated frequently and reviewed based on their impact.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
Evaluation and Projection of Pupil Premium 2021-22
Evaluation of Pupil Premium spending 2019-20
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2022
Free School Meals
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility is judged against the benefits that the applying parent/carer is entitled to.
You are entitled to Free School Meals if you are in receipt of:
- Universal Credit - with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400
- Income Support (IS)
- Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance (IBJSA)
- An Income–related employment and support allowance (ESA)
- Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
- If you are entitled to Child Tax Credit and also Working Tax Credit, you will be eligible for Free School Meals: during the four week period immediately after your employment ceases or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week.
If you believe you are eligible for Free School Meals based on the criteria above, it is important to apply for Free School Meals through your child’s school. If you are eligible, this will allow:
- the school to claim the Pupil Premium funding from the Department of Education
- you to potentially claim extra support such as help with home to school transport – children receiving only Universal Infant Free School Meals are not entitled to any additional support
- your child to receive free school meals
Apply for Free School Meals
If you believe that you are eligible for Free School Meals, please complete this application form.
If you have children at different schools, you will need to contact each school individually to apply for Free School Meals for each child.