An Ofsted inspection was carried out in October 2024. Below you can find a copy of the report confirming that the school continues to be graded good. Some of the headlines:
- Pupils are happy here and are welcoming to visitors.
- The behaviour and relationships are very positive, both in lessons and in social time.
- The school has a family feel and its vision of ‘every student thriving’ underpins all its work. Its work with vulnerable pupils is extremely well coordinated and valued by pupils and parents alike. This contributes to the school’s highly inclusive and supportive culture.
- Pupils enjoy the raft of extra-curricular and leadership opportunities on offer. These enable pupils to nurture their interests and develop character and confidence.
- Parents are very positive about the school and recent improvements. Many confirm their child is indeed ‘thriving’.
- Personal development and careers have a high priority because of their importance in preparing pupils to continue to ‘thrive’ in the future. Pupils in all years learn how to keep themselves safe and how to manage modern life, including online.
- The careers programme is relevant and varied thanks to a range of links with employers and training
providers. The school ensures that all pupils benefit from these programmes
There are many other positive comments so please take the time to read the letter in full.