The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance. John Colet School is very fortunate to have a mix of governors with experience and skills that allow them to carry out their core functions.
All boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Governance handbook for academies, multi-academy trusts and maintained schools, January 2017 (Department for Education)
The School Self Evaluation presented to governors in September 2019 outlined strengths and weaknesses against the Ofsted judgement areas grading the school as good in each area. As a result of the self evaluation the following priorities were identified for the 2019-20 academic year:
- The students at John Colet School will progress in their academic learning such that their outcomes at the end of Key Stage 4 will provide them with a good basis for progression to their chosen next stage and external measures will indicate progress that is above the national average.
- Positive development of character will form a central part of the student experience at John Colet with a wide range of extra-curricular activities, trips, visits, team and leadership opportunities, which will provide them with golden memories of their school experience and prepare them to become well-rounded citizens as they leave the school.
- Starting from an excellent transition from Year 6 into Year 7 students across the school will demonstrate excellent behaviour and enhance the reputation of John Colet by their conduct in the local community and when representing the school in extra-curricular trips and visits.
- The school will offer a wide range of Post-16 subjects and broader enrichment opportunities to ensure that the Sixth Form thrives and is an attractive option for Year 11 student progression as well as attracting external applications, resulting in a financially viable cohort demonstrating academic progress that is above the national average.
- Excellent resources and facilities for staff and students will be provided within sound financial planning that will take account of school population changes and ensure adequate year on year funding to support the school’s strategic objectives.
Governing Body
Mr W Howell, Chair of Governors
Mr I Brierly, Headteacher
Academy Trust Members
Mr W Howell
Mr N Grace
Dr C Martin
Dr J Savin
Parent Governors and Trustees
Mr N Grace
Mr A Micallef
Mr R Moore
Mrs H Sanders
Miss L Needham
Mrs T Duggan
Staff Governors
Mrs M Ragu
Mr J Williams
Academy Trust Secretary
Mr J Jennings
Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs J Kelly
You may contact the governors by emailing or care of
Governors Declaration of Interest 2021-22
John Colet School Financial Statements 2024
John Colet School Financial Statements 2023
John Colet School Financial Statements 2022
John Colet School Financial Statements 2021
John Colet School Financial Statements 2020
John Colet School Financial Statements 2019